May 11, 2015

Actress Sola Sobowale Admits There Is No Money In Acting, Says She Needs Money To Survive

Veteran actress and ageless beauty, Sola Sobowale has admitted that there is no money in acting and that she needs money to survive like every other working Nigerian. According to her, actresses and actors are not well paid because most people do not want to invest in movies, and movie producers mostly run at loss after producing movies and never get their production money back not to talk of making profit from it. She used herself as an example saying when she shot a movie for N5.8m 2 years ago, she only made N3m back which is a loss. She also spoke about struggling in UK to work just to produce movies because it’s her passion. Her words after the cut.

On why the produce quantity movies instead of quality movies, she said;
It’s a pity because you know the answer yourself. We need to feed ourselves. I shot a movie about 2 or 3 years ago called Adayeba Ote Part 1, 2, 3. When I was tired of recording, I had spent about N5.8 million and we had not finished editing. After editing, I did not make up to 3 million. I thank God I did not borrow any money to do that, if I had borrowed money what would have happened to me? I lived in England, I do all the jobs and I bring the money back to Nigeria to shoot a movie because this is me, this is my passion. When you talk about quality, where are you going to get the money for the quality?
If she is fulfilled as an actress, Sola said;
I am not talking about money but you know something in life? When you enjoy doing what you love, you will be fine. I am fine but I need money to survive. I want all my effort to be crowned because I work very hard so I can’t just be doing it in vain.

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