April 19, 2015

David Cameron Visits Sikh Temple Two Day after Prayers with Pastor Adeboye (Photos)

So last night in London, UK Prime Minister David Cameron surprised a lot of people when he showed up at the Festival Of Life Conference and got prayed for by RCCG Pastor Adebayo.

 Here's a mail a very pissed off mail one BS Blog reader sent in yesterday after the  news broke that David Cameron also visited a Sikh temple just hours after the RCCG prayers.
Hello BS Blog,
I was pleasantly encouraged upon hearing the news this morning that the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, received prayers from our very own Nigerian Pastor Enoch Adeboye during the Festival Of Life Conference in London last night!

Hoping this news would be reflected in the usually cynical British media, I was left aghast to see the headlines yesterday highlighting Cameron's visit to a Sikh temple a few hours after praying with the Redeemed faithful. 
From worshipping God to worshipping gods in a matter of hours! Dave even went to the extent of donning Sikh head apparel and engaging in some form of 'ritual' involving the throwing of coins inside a pool and kneeling down to intercede Sikh style. All of this while shoeless. 
The sharp contrast in events highlights a sad but salient point - Mr Cameron visited Daddy GO not for any 'spiritual guidance' or 'actual prayers' but to take advantage of 45,000 potential voters in the crowd of Pentecostal Christians. 
It reminds me how our staunch Muslim President-Elect Muhammadu Buhari also worshipped with Adeboye - even picking his pastor as a running mate. Not because of 'principle' - just politics. 
Jojo - London, UK

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